Submit Events & Trainings

Share Your Event Today!

If you have an upcoming training or event for peers and peer support specialists you would like listed on the calendar, please submit your request here. We will review your upcoming training or event for peers and peer support specialists. Once we have approved your request the event will be posted on our Calendar shortly.

Fill Out the Form Below to Submit Events & Trainings

No email and still wish to Submit and Event? Call (402) 314-9387 Today! 


  • Please Include the Date(s) and Time(s) of the Event or Training and any other event date/time details. Such as Weekly, Monthly, Multiple Dates, etc.
  • Please include any information about what the training or event covers, as well as cost, registration or any other event details.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
      Upload Flyers, Applications, or any other material that would benefit those attending.

    Submit Events & Trainings

    If you have an upcoming training or event for peers and peer support specialists you would like listed on the calendar, please submit your request here.

    Submit a Peer Group

    Submit a Peer Support Group you would like to see added to the list on our site. Follow the link and fill out your request today!

    Submit a Resource

    Resources listed are from SAMHSA and other local and national agencies and organizations. If you have a resource you would like added, please submit your request for review.

    Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

    Interested in staying updated on NCPDS and all things peer support? Sign up for our monthly newsletter!


    Stay tuned for more information regarding our website and combined efforts across the state to bring peers and peer support specialists together as one cohesive group. Contact Us for More Info!

    (531) 254-5451

    Wellbeing Initiative, Inc. 5530 O St Lincoln NE 68516

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